HS2 Main Works S1 & S2 - WP234.1_Golf Course Archaeology
The subcontract works covered by this opportunity are the intrusive archaeological investigation of an area due north of the Chiltern Main Line, which is currently occupied by the former Ruislip Golf Course. The subcontract works in question are required ahead of the follow-on works associated to the re-landscaping of the existing Ruislip Golf Course from an eighteen-hole golf course to a nine-hole golf course. The subcontract works will require the excavation of two areas of the former Ruislip Golf Course, Area B and Area E (as shown on the schematic drawings attached to this CompeteFor opportunity), which have been determined to have existing, significant archaeological potential (Mesolithic, Bronze Age and Medieval agricultural activity, and possible settlement) by previous archaeological trial trench evaluation. The method of archaeological mitigation will be 'Archaeological Recording' to investigate the heritage assets identified by trial trenching undertaken as part of HS2 Phase One Enabling Works Contract (EWC) for Area South. The subcontract works will also consist of the excavation of 47 no. 1.8m x 20m trenches across two areas of the former Ruislip Golf Course, Area D and Area F (as shown on the schematic drawings attached to this CompeteFor opportunity), which have not previously been subject to archaeological excavation. The strategy is designed to characterise the potential of the proposed development site by the excavation of 19 no. 1.8m x 30m trenches in Area D and 28 no. 1.8m x 30m trenches in Area F across the former Ruislip Golf Course. Following responses to this opportunity, the supply chain will be shortlisted accordingly. Those that are successful will be invited to prequalify in order to receive a tender enquiry for the subcontract works. Prequalification will consist of 'business assurance', which will focus on the supply chain's capability, competence and capacity to work with SCS JV, as well as technical assurance which provides an opportunity to assess the supply chain's ability to carry out the subcontract works in question. Given that this has been classified as a 'high-risk' package, the 'business assurance' element of prequalification may be satisfied if the supply chain partner holds one of the Common Assessment Standard (CAS) accreditations, namely: - Achilles Building Confidence (with Desktop Audit), - Constructionline Gold, or - CHAS Premier (CAS). Further to a tender process, final selection will be based upon a balanced scorecard assessment. The criteria of this assessment will consider commercial, technical and qualitative (e.g. health and safety, quality, environment and sustainability, etc.) evidence provided by the tenderers. SCS JV is an unincorporated joint venture between Skanska Construction UK Limited ("Skanska"), Costain Limited ("Costain") and STRABAG AG ("STRABAG") working on behalf of HS2 to deliver the main civil engineering works for the S1 and S2 sectors of HS2 Phase One. The Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) stage of the contract, where SCS JV was developing a scheme design, programme and target cost to deliver the detailed design and construction phase of the project, is now complete, whereby a Notice to Proceed to Stage Two (detailed design and construction) was issued on 15th April 2020. Not only have the individual companies delivered high-speed rail, major infrastructure and some of the most iconic structures internationally, SCS JV also has a proven record of working together. Skanska and Costain have a long history of successfully delivering civil engineering projects together in the UK, dating back 30 years. In joint venture they have delivered many major infrastructure projects, including the M25 in the 1980s, High Speed 1 in the early 2000s and the current Crossrail endeavour, shortly coming to completion under the streets of London. STRABAG and Skanska have worked together for over 15 years on European projects in Switzerland, Slovakia and Norway. As a joint venture, we are bringing together our collective strength to deliver world-class engineering, contributing to the long-term economic growth of local and international markets. This is perfectly encapsulated in our mission; to draw everyone together to create a strong foundation from which to launch a transformative legacy. There is a potential requirement for the deployment of archaeological teams in Area East (Euston) and Area Central (Hampstead to Northolt). All staff must already hold a position commensurate with the level they will be working on site, i.e. a Site Supervisor cannot be supplied for a Project Officer role.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112450 - Excavation work at archaeological sites
71351914 - Archaeological services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors