Hurst Castle Sea Defences Project - Principal/Main Contractor
Main Objective The main objective of the proposed project is to stabilise the sea defences around the Hurst Castle for the medium term future focusing on the priority areas such as the eastern corner. It is likely that without intervention the current levels of shingle may be eroded by the sea, undermining the outer walls and possibly leading to a collapse and loss of historic fabric. Sub-Objectives Develop a scope of work with a plan to undertake the works in 2018/19 which includes: o Address priority areas such as the eastern corner which is the main area that is considered to pose immediate risk to the castle. The existing timber sea defences need to be extended in order to be considered as a full defence system. This will include construction of 3 No. new timber groynes and associated connecting zig-zags; o Address the minimal maintenance carried out to the current timber sea defences whilst they are still functioning adequately, this will include replacement of some groynes and zig zag piles and planks; o Source the beach shingle required to replenish the Hurst Castle area of the spit, likely to focus on minimal recharge required to fill newly constructed groyne bays; o Repairs to the stone wall.
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1 Possible Competitors