Hydrogen Heating Programme - Data on existing gas installations within domestic and non-domestic buildings
Data on existing gas installations within domestic and non-domestic buildings This Request for Information (RFI) seeks information relating to acquiring data to: - Understand the conversion activities required for different types of properties which require a combi-boiler installation. - Understand prevalence of a proposed safety mitigation being applied (e.g. meter locations - potential mitigation: internal meters being moved externally). - Understand the decision tree/logic which outlines whether a property is suitable for a combi boiler and the type of ancillary activities required. - Understand the key drivers of cost within a gas installation. - Understand the prevalence of conversion activities across the GB building stock. - Understand the prevalence of other gas appliances within domestic properties. - Have an accurate estimate of the installation, design and labour costs and time (including material costs). The list below outlines the data variables we believe are important to achieve the above aims and are the data parameters we require from the supplier: Building Property Data: Gas Installation Data: Conversion Activity Installation costs Time estimates Methodology (However, please note this list is not exhaustive and we require the supplier's expertise in any additional factors that are key gas installation activities and could drive conversion cost.) We require input from the supplier on the most feasible way to deliver this request and the most suitable format e.g. a report or database. The supplier will need to advise on their ability to provide cost and prevalence data on different gas installation activities based on consumer data across the UK, and what the outputs could look like. Please use the attached document that contains more details about this opportunity. Please complete the questionnaire provided in the document and return it as instructed in the document.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors