Hydrological modelling contractor
Hydrological modelling work on the River IrfonWe are looking for a specialist hydrological modelling contractor to develop a catchment and water quality model to:(i) investigate the efficacy of a range of measures that aim to control pollution and improve water quality,(ii) investigate the effectiveness of Natural Flood Management (NFM) techniques in reducing downstream flood peaks, including research into the optimal type, number and location of interventions needed to deliver downstream benefits.The outcome of this work will feed into the wider project investigating resilient freshwater habitats within the Irfon catchment. One deliverable will be a landscape-scale Natural Flood Management model available as a long-term planning tool for pollution and flow management in the catchment.Models will be used to test scenarios of land management change to evaluate (a) optimum locations and effect of NFM measures (b) test scenarios of larger scale land use change e.g modification to grassland management, tree and woodland planting, large-scale peatland restoration (e.g rewetting, grip blocking) (c) predict effects of measures intended to reduce diffuse pollution.The contractor must be able to demonstrate experience of developing catchment hydrological models for the Freshwater Habitats Trust, specifically in the context of the Water Friendly Farming Project and one other Freshwater Habitats Trust catchment project. They should also be able to demonstrate a recognised research expertise in catchment and water management modelling, including pesticide risk assessment.This project is funded by Welsh Government rural communities Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. It ends in June 2023.Please contact David Morris, senior ecologist at the Freshwater Habitats Trust on for more information
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1 Possible Competitors