ID 5094524 - DfE - Invest NI - Replacement Customer Portal
Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) have the requirement to replace their current MyINI Customer Portal. The current MyINI Customer Portal was launched in 2017 and was delivered as an off shoot to Invest NI’s overall Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) strategic project. Invest NI is now seeking a long-term contract to develop a next generation MyINI Customer Portal that will remain tightly integrated with its existing back-office systems (as they continue to evolve) and become the indispensable channel for Invest NI’s digital customer engagement in tight coordination with our other customer interaction channels. It is envisaged that the Supplier will be appointed in December 2024 with ‘Go-Live’ (of at least Phase 1) no later than the January 2026. Contracting for the licensing, maintenance and support will be for an initial period of 4 years from Go-Live of Phase 1, following which there will be two optional extension periods of 3 years each (4 plus 3 plus 3 yrs). There will be a break point at the end of years 4, 7 and 10 and at least 6 months prior to their expiry the client will assess whether the solution is still fit for purpose and meets Invest NI’s needs. At the end of Optional Extension Period 2 (January 2036), subject to approval and obtaining additional budget, the Client may extend the contract for a maximum 3 further periods of 12 months. Each extension shall be subject to internal review and approval and shall incorporate the support, maintenance, and upgrade/enhancement of the solution.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors