Identification of Biological Assays to Authenticate Basmati Rice Varieties
Consultation with scientific and industry experts has identified the need to update current Basmati rice authentication methods. Kompetitive Allelle specific PCR (KASP) assays are quicker, cheaper and more reliable than current methods and so have the potential to be readily adopted by Public Analysts to support food law enforcement. Project aim: To identify an appropriate set of KASP markers that could be used subsequently in a Basmati authentication test. The project objectives are: 1. KASP Technology will be used to create a new database of alleles that can distinguish between the following types of rice grain samples: (i) Approved Basmati varieties that are eligible for zero import duty in the EU; (ii) Other approved Basmati varieties; (iii) Non-approved varieties and possible adulterants. 2. The design of a work plan for the development and validation of a Basmati authentication test that could be readily used by Public Analyst laboratories. The project aligns with Defra strategic objectives: (a) Protecting consumers and ensuring consumer confidence (b) Ensuring resilience and security in the food system
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CPV Codes
73111000 - Research laboratory services
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1 Possible Competitors