Identifying Movements of Migrating Salmonids Around windfarms and Potential Impacts
Little is known about the routes of migrating salmonids in the marine environment and with the increase in offshore wind farm infrastructure this study aims to provide information on whether and how migratory salmonids move through offshore wind arrays and identify potential impacts encountered by migrating salmonids. The tenderer will develop a monitoring strategy which will include the design of an acoustic receiver array to monitor salmonid movements through offshore wind farms and enable assessments of potential impacts. To achieve this the tenderer will make use of Scottish Government acoustic receivers and tag salmonids on the River Wick. The data from tracked salmonids will be analysed to improve our understanding of the potential impacts which will include but not be limited to: predator/prey interactions, migration speed and time spent within the development
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CPV Codes
90712300 - Marine conservation strategy planning
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors