Identifying the links between Gaelic and wellbeing
The output Bòrd na Gàidhlig seeks is: - knowledge of which wellbeing indicators involve or could involve Gaelic, - knowledge of how Gaelic enhances the wellbeing of individuals and of language networks, - knowledge of how Gaelic enhances the wellbeing of local communities and Scotland's national wellbeing, - knowledge of how Gaelic enhances the wellbeing economy, - knowledge of how the contribution of Gaelic to wellbeing, and of wellbeing to Gaelic, might be measured, with evidence from other minority languages where available, - recommendations as to how Bòrd na Gàidhlig and others can utilise the opportunities identified by this research, in cooperation with other bodies or through the sharing of evidence with regional or national bodies already involved with wellbeing development.
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CPV Codes
79315000 - Social research services
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1 Possible Competitors