Identity Verification Solution
In October 2022 we undertook an exercise to engage the market to discuss services available to meet our requirements, focusing on the digital services available to conduct biometric checks. As part of this engagement we concluded that a standalone digital solution is unlikely to fully meet our requirements and residual requirements might require a separate solution. These residual requirements are the specific focus of this request for information. We are seeking to engage the market to understand how Companies House can approach verification for individuals who may have more complex requirements. This is detailed further within this document This Request for Information (RFI) is aimed at providers to potentially work with Companies House in providing a solution to capture, verify, and manage identity information for the following users: 1.Non-UK citizens residing overseas (illustrative list below - Table 1) to GPG 45 medium level of assurance. Companies House is specifically interested in the countries listed below, as these are understood to be harder to verify to a medium level of assurance. 2.Harder to reach individuals in the UK who don't have photographic identity documentation, to a GPG 45 medium level of assurance. Please email to request a meeting with us and talk through your responses to the RFI document. We are going to invite providers with the relevant experience to meet with us starting wk 27th October.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors