IFI 22112022 - Infrared fish counter and PIT reader
IFI is seeking to purchase the following:1) infrared fish counter with integrated PIT tag reader;2) infrared fish counter1)infrared fish counter with integrated PIT tag reader•capable to count fish with a high accuracy•capable of counting fish in both upstream and downstream directions•capable of storing images of fish for verification purposes•capable of measuring water temperature•capable of recording time and date of events•Options to power from mains or remotely (solar / batteries). It is planned to power this from solar/ batteries initially but it must have an option to also be powered by mains power should this become available at the site.•remote control and access options. This is not required initially it would be useful to have an option to put this in in future.•Infrared scanning•PC and software•Fits within gap in existing weir (gap dimensions 80 cm height, 60 cm width). Gap may be considered for modification to fit unit if required. Please indicate equipment dimensions and suitability for site.•PIT tag antenna system capable of reading RFID FDX 134.2 kHz tags•Video camera or photo tunnel not required2)infrared fish counter•capable to count fish with a high accuracy•capable of counting fish in both upstream and downstream directions•capable of measuring the size of fish with a high accuracy•capable of storing images of fish for verification purposes•capable of measuring water temperature•capable of recording time and date of events•Options to power from mains or remotely (solar / batteries). It is intended that this will be powered by mains.•remote control and access options•Infrared scanning•PC and software•Fits within gap in existing counting fence (gap dimensions 76.2 cm height, 48.2 cm width at bottom, 58.4 cm width at top). Gap may be considered for modification to fit unit if required. •Video camera or photo tunnel not required.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
31700000 - Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies
31731000 - Electrotechnical supplies
73100000 - Research and experimental development services
77700000 - Services incidental to fishing
73110000 - Research services
31600000 - Electrical equipment and apparatus
73112000 - Marine research services
77400000 - Zoological services
31710000 - Electronic equipment
31730000 - Electrotechnical equipment
77000000 - Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors