Implementation plan for the Diagnostics Accelerator Programme
Following on from design work in late 2023 to establish the Diagnostics Accelerator and capabilities development required for the Accelerator the Diagnostics and Pathogen Characterisation Leadership are working to further develop and implement the Diagnostics Accelerator across five priority work packages. 1. Creating the coordination team, including the project resourcing function; 2. Developing a framework for working with enabling functions; 3. Creating a prioritisation approach to govern activity decisions and allocation; 4. Establishing the external affairs function to nurture key relationships; and 5. Defining measurable outcomes and KPIs for the Accelerator. The urgency to complete this work for implementation readiness is paramount for Pandemic Preparedness and therefore this requirement is for additional resource to prioritise and complete this work notably in areas 3 - 5 to accelerate implementation across the programme in partnership with the Diagnostics Accelerator G6 Head.
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