Improving Medicines Management and Patient Safety at the Interface for Vulnerable Patients
Nottingham City CCG invites offers from suitably qualified experienced provider to deliver a Medicines Management and Patient Safety at the Interface for Vulnerable Patients. The aims of the service are: •To provide seamless pharmaceutical care for vulnerable patients. •Improved treatment outcomes through increased patient compliance with prescribed medication. •A reduction in unplanned hospital admissions. The objectives of the service are: •Healthcare professional to liaise with and hand over responsibility of pharmaceutical care to a community pharmacy following discharge. •Patient discharge information to be shared with the community pharmacy by the relevant healthcare professional. •Ensure any changes to medication adjusted in a timely manner. •Pharmaceutical care to include: oPatient education and support with taking their medication. oProvision of the appropriate compliance aid to assist their patient with their medicines compliance. •Patient has improved compliance with their medication and intake of the appropriate medication is increased. •Patient has a reduction in unplanned hospital admissions.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors