Increasing awareness and uptake of Pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in underrepresented communities
Lewisham Council (the Council) invites you to submit a Tender for increasing awareness and uptake of Pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in underrepresented communities on the terms and conditions set out in this invitation to tender (ITT) and the attached Contract Documentation. One of the most significant recent developments in HIV prevention is the availability of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medication, which is highly effective in preventing HIV infection. PrEP is prescribed to HIV-negative adults and adolescents who are at high risk for getting HIV through sex or injection drug use. PrEP is one of the strategies in combination prevention approaches aimed at reducing HIV transmission along with condoms, HIV testing and treatment. PrEP is part of a range of measures which are promoted to prevent infection in individuals at significant risk of HIV acquisition, including: •MSM who have condomless sex with partners whose HIV status is unknown •People who have recently required Post-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV after a Sexual Exposure (PEPSE) •Individuals who plan to travel to a country with a high level of HIV infection and plan to have condomless sex with partner(s) who live there •Partners of people who are HIV positive and not on HIV treatment. (PrEP is not required if the partner is on effective HIV treatment with an undetectable HIV viral load as Undetectable = Untransmissible U=U). Until recently, people have only been able to access PrEP through a Public Health England (PHE) Trial and places were limited. From 1st December 2020, Lewisham residents have been able to access PrEP from Lewisham and Greenwich Trust LGT by calling: 0203 049 3500. General information and other support can be found at and Lewisham residents can also access PrEP via other Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinics (Including Guys and St Thomas' and King's College Hospitals). Lewisham has received £409,359 from PHE as part of the Public Health Grant to fund PrEP activity for 2021/22, and will pay for PrEP and associated testing via the Integrated Sexual Health Tariff. The majority of people accessing PrEP in Lewisham are MSM. LGT data from December 20 to June 21 showed 94% were male, of which 74% were gay. Data shows that other people in Lewisham who would benefit are Black African and Carribbean people, women and heterosexual men. The council has a task to improve these rates collectively, with other high risk groups not currently accessing PrEP. This is a one-off opportunity to raise awareness and increase uptake, ensuring that people who would benefit from PrEP are aware of its impact, where it is available and how to access it. The budget available for the provision of this contract is set at £50,000 per annum. This will be 2 years contract. London Tenders portal:
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85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors