Independant Monitoring of DFID Syria/Irag Crisis Response.
DFID is responding to the humanitarian crisis in Syria and Iraq through a large portfolio programme across Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. The programme aims to save lives, reduce suffering, and in permissible contexts, increase resilience. The high risk security situation makes it extremely challenging for DFID to effectively monitor the delivery and impact of programmes in Syria and the region. Many partners also manage downstream partners remotely so it is critical that they have robust monitoring and evaluation systems. As part of a wider business case for technical assistance to the DFID Syria/Iraq humanitarian response, DFID will contract an independent yeah monitoring agent for a duration of up to three years (2015-2018) to assess implementing partners' monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and conduct monitoring visits inside Syria and the region, giving DFID greater assurance of results, reduce corruption risks and improve due diligence, learning and future funding allocations.
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors