Independent Review of Adult Social Care.
Northamptonshire County Council wishes to commission a support programme from an experienced Adult Social Care Consultancy Provider to carry out a diagnostic to make recommendations on how best to deliver the Council's vision for the future of Adult Social Care.The review is expected to comment at a high level on the efficacy, efficiency and effectiveness of all aspects of the Council's Adult Social Care functions.The Provider is expected to:— Review the structure and delivery of Adult Social Care management and advise potential changes thereto,— Review the Resource Allocation System (RAS) and compare it with systems operating within high performing local authorities,— Review the current eligibility criteria an application thereof,— Review the relationship with Olympus Care, the Northamptonshire outsourced direct provision provider,— Review the relationship with Shaw Healthcare, in particular the 3 specialist care centres operated by this provider,— Advise on pooling of budgets with Health (Better Care Fund),— Review the current commissioning practices and advise potential changes thereto,— Review the efficiency savings, targets and planning and delivery for care services in Northamptonshire,— Test the robustness of the forecast, planned efficiencies and to make comment on the risks involved,— Identify key additional efficiencies, review particular barriers to efficiency and give advice on particular courses of action open to the authority to overcome them,— Include best practice examples from other authorities as suggestions for potential improvements.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors