In-depth review of Highways England’s Maintenance and Renewals delivery
The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) independently monitors Highways England’s management of the motorways and main A roads in England. This includes investigating, publishing reports and giving advice to the Secretary of State on whether and at what cost it is meeting the objectives of the current Road Investment Strategy (RIS). The RIS Investment Plan sets out the details of capital investment that Highways England must deliver over the first road period (April 2015 to March 2020). Highways England has been allowed funding of £3.7 billion to deliver its programme of asset maintenance and renewals (M&R), to ensure the Strategic Road Network (SRN) is maintained in a safe and serviceable condition. Highways England sets out its high level plans for the volumes and costs of M&R work in its Delivery Plan, and its subsequent updates. Highways England provides, on a regular basis, progress reports of M&R delivery including a summary of expenditure against budget, renewals volumes and asset inventory and condition information. The SRN assets fall into five main categories: pavement, structures, geotechnical, drainage and technology. This study focuses on pavement and structures. A key part of ORR’s monitoring is to understand Highways England’s delivery of the Investment Plan, including whether it is adopting a sustainable approach to maintaining and renewing its assets. The purpose of this project is to assess Highways England’s development and delivery of sustainable and efficient asset interventions by carrying out in-depth reviews of M&R delivery, on an asset by asset basis. We are carrying out this work in collaboration with Highways England.
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