India Programme - Knowledge Exchange on Approaches for Enhancing Cleaner Energy Deployment through Consumer Behaviour and Smart Grids
2.1Government of India has set ambitious targets of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Both of these are crucial to India's goal to provide people with reliable, affordable, secure, and sustainable access to energy to meet India's energy needs to support economic growth and deliver on her commitments in the Paris climate agreement. 2.2Demand Side Management is one of the key strategies to achieve ambitious energy efficiency improvements across the economy. It refers to strategies for modifying the demand of energy from end-users using technological solutions, regulatory or financial incentives, and other means of encouraging behavioral change. 2.3Demand Side Management (DSM) is fast gaining momentum in India as a result of initiatives by agencies like the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Services Limited. A huge potential for scale up exists, but issues like lack of clear incentives for DSM programs, weak financial health of electricity distribution companies, lack of business models for financing of upfront costs etc. present significant barriers. 2.4Smart Grids are widely understood to be a critical piece of infrastructure to facilitate both energy efficiency and renewable energy deployment. Smart Grid is an electrical grid with Automation, Communication and IT systems that can monitor power flows from points of generation to points of consumption (even down to appliances level) and control the power flow or curtail the load to match generation in real time or near real time. It can help in renewable integration and accessibility to electricity, enable implementation of Demand Side Management programmes and will be critical to deployment of electric mobility. 2.5Implementation of pilot projects on smart grids in India have brought forth significant challenges to deployment. These include technical challenges linked to integration of several devices with grid network, economic challenges linked to viability of investments in different aspects of smart grids (other than advanced metering), challenges linked to cyber security etc. 2.6During the India UK Energy for Growth Dialogues in 2017 and 2018, the UK and Indian ministers agreed on a renewed energy partnership to support achievement of shared priorities of enhanced energy security and access and faster transition to green growth. Strategic collaboration on power, renewables, energy access and efficiency and oil and gas has been agreed. 2.7Demand Side Management and Smart Grids are two sub-themes, among others, that UK and Indian Joint Working Groups have identified as areas for deeper collaboration within the broad themes agreed by the Ministers. This is based on an understanding of the potential to share experiences and expertise, given the high emphasis placed by both countries on these issues and variety of approaches already implemented.
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