Industrial Robots for The Future Automated Aerospace Assembly Demonstrator Phase 2 (FA3D2) Concept
The Centre for Aerospace Manufacturing (CAM) at the University Of Nottingham (UoN) works with partners from across the UK and European aerospace industry to deliver industrially focused research into aerospace assembly systems. Advanced manufacturing is a key research priority area for Nottingham and the University has invested significantly in this research. The University made a strategic investment in automated assembly infrastructure through the Future Automated Aerospace Assembly Demonstrator (FA3D) project, which was commissioned in 2016. Based on the success of this project, funding has been secured from the UK Government's Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) through the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) for development of the second phase of this demonstrator. The Future Automated Aerospace Assembly Demonstrator Phase 2 (FA3D2) will provide an opportunity for UK based aerospace manufacturing businesses to test, demonstrate and accelerate the implementation of novel breakthrough technologies, thus allowing them to compete on productivity, quality and cost with rival offshore businesses.
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CPV Codes
42997300 - Industrial robots
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1 Possible Competitors