Industrial Support and Post Design Services for the J-Band Emitter Threat Simulator (JETS) and Infra
Electronic warfare systems and counter measures. RAF Spadeadam currently fields a number of Threat Systems and Enablers that are used to develop aircrew tactics and countermeasures against representative Radio Frequency (RF), Ultra Violet (UV) and Infra-Red (IR) Surface to Air (SA) systems. These are a combination of Real, Emulated and Simulated systems that are used for air defence by countries around the world; they are invaluable in training aircrews and testing aircraft systems against the likely threats they may face in combat.As a part of the suite of threat systems, RAF Spadeadam uses 2 systems since 2000 for the tactical training of aircrews against a range of simulated Air Defence (AD) systems. These systems are:J Band Emitter Threat System (JETS) and the Infra-Red Trainer (IRT).There is a requirement for a Support Contract to cover the above. Further details of the type of support required are detailed later in this advert.
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1 Possible Competitors