Infographics tool
****Contract Awarded**** Prezi is used daily as a visual design tool by National Savings and Investment's Retail and Communications Strategy teams. The services are used for many visual components of the National Savings and Investment's intranet service.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48780000 - System, storage and content management software package
48412000 - Tax preparation software package
48760000 - Virus protection software package
48121000 - Air traffic control software package
48952000 - Public address systems
48215000 - Networking developers' software package
48812000 - Financial information systems
48219100 - Gateway software package
48313000 - Optical-character-recognition (OCR) software package
48328000 - Image-processing software package
48440000 - Financial analysis and accounting software package
48824000 - Printer servers
48940000 - Pattern design and calendar software package
48219800 - Bridge software package
48910000 - Computer game software package, family titles and screen savers
48740000 - Foreign language translation software package
48329000 - Imaging and archiving system
48960000 - Drivers and system software package
48518000 - Emulation software package
48930000 - Training and entertainment software package
48771000 - General utility software package
48312000 - Electronic publishing software package
48490000 - Procurement software package
48327000 - Drawing and painting software package
48962000 - Graphics card drivers
48900000 - Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
48400000 - Business transaction and personal business software package
48318000 - Scanner software package
48781000 - System management software package
48421000 - Facilities management software package
48921000 - Automation system
48611000 - Database software package
48710000 - Backup or recovery software package
48811000 - E-mail system
48100000 - Industry specific software package
48814300 - Theatre management system
48216000 - Network connectivity terminal emulation software package
48600000 - Database and operating software package
48180000 - Medical software package
48411000 - Investment management software package
48311000 - Document management software package
48991000 - Spreadsheet software package
48941000 - Pattern design software package
48730000 - Security software package
48326100 - Digital mapping system
48627000 - Real time operating system software package
48519000 - Memory-management software package
48422000 - software package suites
48823000 - File servers
48972000 - Label making software package
48221000 - Internet browsing software package
48110000 - Point of sale (POS) software package
48961000 - Ethernet drivers
48444100 - Billing system
48333000 - Contact management software package
48700000 - Software package utilities
48814400 - Clinical information system
48800000 - Information systems and servers
48310000 - Document creation software package
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48990000 - Spreadsheets and enhancement software package
48314000 - Voice recognition software package
48520000 - Multimedia software package
48622000 - Minicomputer operating system software package
48219700 - Communications server software package
48331000 - Project management software package
48750000 - Storage media loading software package
48300000 - Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package
48814100 - Nursing information system
48316000 - Presentation software package
48130000 - Aviation ground support and test software package
48514000 - Remote access software package
48825000 - Web servers
48822000 - Computer servers
48220000 - Internet and intranet software package
48325000 - Form making software package
48814200 - Patient-administration system
48224000 - Web page editing software package
48450000 - Time accounting or human resources software package
48326000 - Mapping software package
48330000 - Scheduling and productivity software package
48323000 - Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software package
48319000 - Spell checkers
48210000 - Networking software package
48813100 - Electronic bulletin boards
48420000 - Facilities management software package and software package suite
48444000 - Accounting system
48814000 - Medical information systems
48313100 - Optical reading system
48480000 - Sales, marketing and Business intelligence software package
48461000 - Analytical or scientific software package
48623000 - Microcomputer operating system software package
48223000 - Electronic mail software package
48219000 - Miscellaneous networking software package
48821000 - Network servers
48315000 - Desktop-publishing software package
48332000 - Scheduling software package
48813200 - Real-time passenger information system
48460000 - Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software package
48810000 - Information systems
48320000 - Drawing and imaging software package
48324000 - Charting software package
48219200 - Compact disc (CD) server software package
48445000 - Customer Relation Management software package
48790000 - Version checker software package
48980000 - Programming languages and tools
48150000 - Industrial control software package
48219500 - Switch or router software package
48443000 - Accounting software package
48500000 - Communication and multimedia software package
48462000 - Mathematical or forecasting software package
48732000 - Data security software package
48321100 - Computer-Aided Design (CAD) system
48200000 - Networking, Internet and intranet software package
48621000 - Mainframe operating system software package
48217000 - Transaction-processing software package
48986000 - Program testing software package
48482000 - Business intelligence software package
48970000 - Print shop software package
48982000 - Configuration management software package
48920000 - Office automation software package
48512000 - Interactive voice response software package
48628000 - Micro-channel architecture
48321000 - Computer aided design (CAD) software package
48317000 - Word-processing software package
48430000 - Inventory management software package
48515000 - Video conferencing software package
48410000 - Investment management and tax preparation software package
48981000 - Compiling software packages
48614000 - Data-acquisition system
48311100 - Document management system
48140000 - Railway traffic control software package
48463000 - Statistical software package
48521000 - Music or sound editing software package
48620000 - Operating systems
48624000 - Personal computer (PC) operating system software package
48511000 - Desktop communications software package
48219400 - Transaction server software package
48451000 - Enterprise resource planning software package
48222000 - Web server software package
48160000 - Library software package
48470000 - Auction software package
48219600 - Multiplexer software package
48217200 - Minicomputer transaction processing software package
48820000 - Servers
48211000 - Platform interconnectivity software package
48761000 - Anti-virus software package
48987000 - Debugging software package
48170000 - Compliance software package
48190000 - Educational software package
48731000 - File security software package
48911000 - Computer game software package
48510000 - Communication software package
48625000 - Open systems operating systems
48612000 - Database-management system
48984000 - Graphical user interface (GUI) tools
48212000 - Optical jukebox server software package
48932000 - Entertainment software package
48913000 - Screen savers
48772000 - Compression utilities
48610000 - Database systems
48513000 - Modem software package
48985000 - Programming languages
48217100 - Mainframe transaction processing software package
48783000 - Content management software package
48481000 - Sales or marketing software package
48219300 - Administration software package
48951000 - Boat-location system
48971000 - Address book making software package
48132000 - Aviation test software package
48516000 - Exchange software package
48773100 - Print-spooling software package
48214000 - Network operating system software package
48218000 - License management software package
48626000 - Clustering software package
48813000 - Passenger information system
48217300 - Microcomputer transaction processing software package
48613000 - Electronic data management (EDM)
48213000 - Operating system enhancement software package
48942000 - Calendar software package
48931000 - Training software package
48441000 - Financial analysis software package
48814500 - Casemix system
48161000 - Library management system
48322000 - Graphics software package
48120000 - Flight control software package
48983000 - Development software package
48773000 - Print utility software package
48912000 - Family titles
48720000 - Bar coding software package
48522000 - Virtual keyboard software package
48151000 - Computer control system
48950000 - Boat-location and public address system
48782000 - Storage management software package
48770000 - General, compression and print utility software package
48131000 - Aviation ground support software package
48442000 - Financial systems software package
48517000 - IT software package
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors