Information Advice Quality Framework
The requirement entails the following aspects:- manage all processes relating to the successfully operation of the Information and Advice Quality Framework for Wales (IAQF) Independent Assessment Service;- process applications from Standard Owners to become an IAQF Accredited Body;- provide Standard Owners with guidance and support on how to develop their standards and assurance processes to be aligned to the IAQF, identifying implications for their Standard Holders, etc.;- provide guidance and support to organisations who are engaged in quality assurance audits and who aspire to develop their current service offer to become a Standard Owner and an IAQF Accrediting Body;- work with IAQF Accredited Bodies and other stakeholders to complete a review and refresh of the IAQF;- promote the IAQF amongst Standard Owners, encouraging them to seek accreditation to the IAQF;- develop and implement a Wales wide communication strategy to raise awareness of the IAQF amongst stakeholders.Further information can be found at the Information and advice quality framework: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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1 Possible Competitors