Initial & Mid-Term Evaluation of the Centre of Excellence in Mobile and Emerging Technologies(CEMET)
1.1The CEMET programme invites tenders for its initial and mid-term evaluation. As part of the evaluation of the 2014-2020 round of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding, the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) requires beneficiaries to undertake a robust programme of monitoring and evaluation. Whilst the 2007-13 programmes focused on implementation, the emphasis for operations funded in the 2014-2020 programme is on identifying and providing evidence to support outcomes / results and impacts to understand why and how the intervention works.1.2Underpinned by the concept of theory-based evaluation, initial and mid-term evaluations are being commissioned during the early stages of an operation. It is anticipated that data other than that collected to support the formal WEFO output indicators will need to be gathered, in order to demonstrate outcomes and impacts in the short, medium and longer term.1.3In order to deliver this, evaluations are being commissioned as a baseline from which to measure progress against through to an interim formative evaluation and longer term outcomes and impacts through summative evaluation.1.4This initial evaluation will focus on evaluating CEMET during the initial and mid-term evaluative phase, which will inform a final evaluation to be undertaken nearer to the operation’s end date (currently 31st March 2021).1.5As part of the bid for this contract, potential contractors should primarily outline the rationale and methodological approach to the initial evaluation in sufficient detail. However, the contract is for the initial and the mid-term evaluation, and bidders will also be required to provide an indicative rationale and approach to the mid-term, including aims and objectives, timescales and costs allocated to this element of the contract.2.Strategic Background2.1The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is part of a suite of European Structural Funds provided to the UK Government and Devolved Administrations, which includes the Welsh Government. The primary aim is to strengthen the economy and bring about a fairer society in alignment with the Europe 2020 strategic approach to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.2.2The Welsh Smart Specialisation Strategy, comprised of Science for Wales and Innovation Wales, aims to build on existing strengths within the Welsh economy whilst building new capacity through investment in research, development and innovation (RD&I). For further information on the EuropeanCommission’s approach to embedding Smart Specialisation principles in the context of R&D projects, please see; investment aims to deliver against two Specific Objectives:•Specific Objective 1.1 - To increase the success of Welsh research institutions in attracting competitive and private research funding•Specific Objective 1.2 - To increase the successful translation of research and innovation processes into new and improved commercial products, processes and services, in particular through improved technology transfer from HEIs2.4CEMET is part-funded under ERDF Specific Objective will cover North / West Wales and Valleys (formerly known as the Convergence area) in the first instance. Total project costs are £6.4m (ERDF £4.2m).2.6In delivering against this Specific Objective, the operation is expected to make a contribution towards an associated result indicator and target, which is:To achieve an average of a 1-2% increase in turnover in SMEs assisted as a result of research undertaken and any products/services developed, which will contribute to the overall programme result indicator of increasing Wales’ average share of turnover from product innovation (22% to 23-24%).2.7The 2014 Business Innovation Survey, which was used to measure this result indicator, is based upon businesses with more than 10 employees. The expectation is that enterprises selected for support within this operation will be consistent with both this and the principles of Smart Specialisation.2.8These documents provide further background context to CEMET;Science for Wales;•Innovation Wales;
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CPV Codes
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors