Inner Rooms Project - Invitation to Tender - Adur District Council
Adur Homes have identified 171 no. residential properties (flats) which have inner rooms. To remedy the issue, the properties need to be reconfigured and a protected route/hallway constructed which leads directly to a final exit door without passing through another room. Protected routes will be formed with fire rated partitions, doorsets and means of fire detection systems may need to be installed or relocated. For this contract there are 42 no. properties where Inner Rooms have been identified, which are classified as high risk. Therefore, this contract is to undertake remedial works to these 42 no. properties only (Phase 1 of the works). There are an additional 129 no. properties (Flats) where inner room works have been identified. The risk associated to these properties is of a lower severity, therefore works will be undertaken in additional phases over a three year period (phases 2 to 4). Works to these 129 no. properties do not form part of this initial contract. However, if the contractors performance is satisfactory for the phase 1 works, we would like to exercise the option of extending the contract for the year 2 and 3 works. The works comprise of installing fire rated partitions, installation of intumescent grilles, FD30s doorsets and all associated works such as decorations, installation of new floor finishes and isolated mechanical and electrical works, such as relocation of radiators, installation of new light fittings and installation of fire and smoke detection to the newly installed corridor.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors