In-Service Support (ISS) of Auxiliary Navigation Sensors and Ship Air (ANSSA) Systems
Text to be corrected in the original notice: Place of text to be modified: Section I.1) Instead of: Read: Place of text to be modified: Section VI.4.1) Instead of: No Email Read: Place of text to be modified: Section II.1.5) Instead of: The Communications and Situational Awareness (CSA) section, within the Maritime Combat Systems Team, has a requirement for In-Service Support (ISS) of Auxiliary Navigation Sensors and Ship Air (ANSSA) Systems fitted to in-service Royal Navy platforms and the future QEC platforms. Read: The Communications and Situational Awareness (CSA) section, within the Maritime Combat Systems Team, has a requirement for In-Service Support (ISS) of Auxiliary Navigation Sensors and Ship Air (ANSSA) Systems fitted to in-service Royal Navy (RN) and Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) platforms and the future QEC and MARS platforms. Place of text to be modified: List of Equipments Instead of: Lot 1: 1. Aircraft Ground Starting & Servicing (AGSS) - previous supplier Whippendell Marine Ltd. Read: Lot 1: 1. Aircraft Ground Starting & Servicing (AGSS) - previous supplier Whippendell Marine Ltd. 2. AGSS Cables – previous supplier Electronic Terminations Limited. 3. QEC Aircraft Converted Electronic Supplies (ACES) – supplied by Ultra PMES. Place of text to be modified: List of Equipments Instead of: Lot 2: 1. Ships Compass Transmission Systems (SCTS) – previous supplier Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd 2. WINDGEAR (WSD) – current supplier Meggitt (UK) Ltd. 3. Meteorological Data Gathering System (MDGS) - current supplier Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd. 4. Automated Upper Air Sounding System (AUASS) - current supplier Ultra Electronics Ltd. 5. Mag Compass – current supplier John Lilley & Gillie Ltd. Read: Lot 2: 1. Ships Compass Transmission Systems (SCTS) – previous supplier Ferranti Technologies Ltd. 2. WINDGEAR (WSD) – current supplier Meggitt (UK) Ltd. 3. Meteorological Data Gathering System (MDGS) - current supplier Systems Engineering & Assessment Ltd. 4. Automated Upper Air Sounding System (AUASS) - current supplier Ultra Electronics Ltd Sonar and Communication Systems. 5. Mag Compass and Sextants – current supplier John Lilley & Gillie Ltd. Place of text to be modified: Information about Lots Instead of: Title: Aircraft Ground Starting & Servicing (AGSS) 1)Short Description: Aircraft Ground Starting & Servicing (AGSS) - previous supplier Whippendell Marine Ltd. 5)Additional Information About Lots: Not Provided Read: Title: Aircraft Ground Power Systems 1)Short Description: 1.Aircraft Ground Starting & Servicing (AGSS) - previous supplier Whippendell Marine Ltd. 2.AGSS Cables – previous supplier Electronic Terminations Limited. 3.QEC Aircraft Converted Electronic Supplies (ACES) – supplied by Ultra PMES. 5)Additional Information About Lots: ACES was supplied under and is s
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CPV Codes
38100000 - Navigational and meteorological instruments
50640000 - Repair and maintenance services of warships
35125100 - Sensors
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors