Insites Data Platform - Mini Tender via DPS ESC23239
The mission of Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) is to support the UK government and industry in transforming the energy sector to deliver on the promise of net zero carbon by 2050. A critical challenge is reducing the carbon from non-domestic energy use.Through work on Modern Energy Partners (MEP), and other projects, Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) believe that data could hold the key to addressing challenges faced by non-domestic sites seeking to decarbonise. Without real data, site operators have little confidence on the potential saving that a prospective site decarbonisation project could make. For projects that are carried out, there is still difficulty in understanding and demonstrating what benefit has been delivered or how this compares to similar sites.To address this need, ESC is developing the InSite proposition. At the heart of this proposition, is the InSite data platform which will collect, aggregate, and process data from non-domestic sites to support policy makers, innovators, and investors. ESC has been granted funding to develop a data platform that will gather energy and other contextual data from a range of sources, process it and provide outputs that allow building and decarbonisation intervention archetypes to be mapped, benchmarks developed, and the typical performance of energy assets understood. It is proposed that this will be based on a mixture of static and live feeds of data, offering insights to changes in energy consumption.
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1 Possible Competitors