In-situ real-time characterisation and measurement of materials for effective nuclear waste management
This notice is to inform the supply chain that Sellafield Ltd is pursuing innovative solutions to accelerate the characterisation and measurement of materials through in-field testing capabilities. The objective is to shift from traditional lab-based methods to in-situ analysis capable of detecting a wide range of radiological and chemical characteristics (quantitatively and qualitatively) across various site environments, aiming to drastically shorten the current 12-week data collection and analysis timeframe. We encourage any organisation with the expertise, capability, and experience of in-situ real-time characterisation and measurement techniques to respond to this notice and visit the Game Changers website for further details on this challenge. More Information: All information and documentation on how to apply can be found on the Game Changers website which is free to access. Webinar sign-up to find out more: How to apply: Interested technology providers should complete and submit a Game Changers application via the Game Changers website. The challenge is open to any organisation who feel they can meet the technical requirements. The closing date for applications will be Tuesday 26th November 2024. Link to apply:
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors