Inspection, Preventative and Remedial Maintenance Service for the National Police Air Service Fuel Farm Installations and Bowsers
This requirement is for both preventative and reactive maintenance of fuel tank assets. The preventative maintenance is for routine inspection and maintenance and any repairs arising from the routine visits to fuel farm installations and mobile bowsers at various NPAS bases in England and Wales. Maintenance and inspection of all fuel installations shall be in accordance with the Civil Aviation Authority's CAP 748 (Aviation Fuels at Aerodromes) and all work undertaken will be to the prevailing addition of JIG 4 Fuel Quality Control and Operating Standards. The core requirement is for each fuel farm or bowser to have 2 inspections per annum at 6 monthly intervals and 1 complete tank clean every 3 years unless under advisement it is not required. At each routine inspection the following shall be undertaken: 1. Calibration of all fitted gauges to 0.05% ± 2. Hose inspection and pressure test 3. Filter inspection / change as appropriate (ensuring correct filters are used is FSII is present) 4. Visual tank inspection 5. Additive calibration where FSII is present 6. Inspection and function check on fuelling equipment 7. Inspection and report on interceptors if supplier is able to do so 8. Legally compliant collection and disposal of waste aviation fuel from time to time, if supplier is able to do so. 9. ATEX/DSEAR Electrical EICR Inspection and reporting yearly. 10. Provision of full certification for items 1-5 in triplicate and report findings as appropriate for items 6, 7 and 8.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
63733000 - Aircraft refuelling services
90913000 - Tank and reservoir cleaning services
50410000 - Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
50514100 - Repair and maintenance services of tanks
90913100 - Tank-cleaning services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors