Installation and Management of ANPR System at various EMR locations
This scheme would involve removing the outdated car park equipment at 10 of EMR's car parks and replacing it with new Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems that will allow easier access and egress from the stations.For clarity, the new solution would be barrierless, creating a more seamless customer experience and avoiding the need to maintain the barriers in future years.The scope would deliver new ANPR systems at key EMR stations. The scope would include:-Removal of current equipment-Enabling works (electrical trunking, access poles etc)-Additional / replacement signage.-Installation of new ANPR cameras and payment kiosks-Tablet for visitor registration at each location-Provision of supporting back-end systems to facilitate technical support, data analysis and a range of payment solutions to complement payment at kiosk including as a minimum:oPay by mobile appoPay by phoneoPre payAdditionally there is an aspiration to bring the car parks under one supplier for the management of a pay by phone/app solution this would comprise of 24 sites
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98351000 - Car park management services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors