Integrate Coventry - Mobile Childcare
Integrate Coventry is an EU AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) project aiming to help Third Country Nationals integrate into life in Coventry. The project is led by Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre and run in partnership with Foleshill Women's Training, Voluntary Action Coventry, The Belgrade Theatre and City of Culture. Clients are assisted with initial needs such as housing, benefits, financial advice and counselling as well as a full range of enrichment activities including ESOL/IAG classes, art and cultural activities and volunteering and employment opportunities. This project aims to assist clients with overcoming the different barriers to integration. A particular barrier that many of our beneficiaries face is lack of access to childcare. As such we would like to offer mobile childcare services at some of our enrichment activities in order to allow our clients to be able to engage fully with these activities. All activities are subject to change due to ongoing review of the government guidelines relating to covid-19. Delivery partners: Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre - CRMC welcomes and empowers asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants in Coventry to rebuild their lives and achieve their potential. To achieve our aims, we deliver a wide range of front-line and partner services to meet all the immediate support needs our clients may have. These range from employment and immigration advice, to therapy services, English classes, social groups and so much more. Each service supports the people we exist to serve to rebuild their lives, enabling them to integrate into their local communities, while also encouraging them to contribute fully to the life of Coventry; all within a safe and dignified environment. Foleshill Women's Training - FWT is an award-winning women only organisation with experience of removing barriers facing women from Coventry and the surrounding areas. FWT offers a culturally sensitive and appropriate place for all women to access empowering opportunities. Voluntary Action Coventry - VAC exists to promote and support social action and community resilience in Coventry, strengthening communities, building capability and improving quality of life for residents. VAC seeks to encourage resilience in communities, supporting people to build their capacity and enabling them to do more for themselves. Belgrade Theatre - One of the largest regional producing theatres in Britain. The Theatre remains the major arts and cultural facility in Coventry and the only building-based professional producing theatre company in the city. It aims to present a broad spectrum of excellent work and produces a wide range of shows as well as other community and outreach programmes. City of Culture 2021 - UK City of Culture is a competition run by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) every four years. We will celebrate our city with events, music, dance, theatre, and large-scale spectacle.
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CPV Codes
85312110 - Child daycare services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors