Integrated Healthcare Services to Surrey Prisons and HMP/YOI Bronzefield for NHS England (NHSE) South East
NHS England (NHSE) South East sought to commission a prime provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver Integrated Healthcare Services to the following establishments in Surrey. •HMP Downview •HMP Send •HMP Bronzefield •HMP Coldingley •HMP High Down NHSE/I will hold a contract with the prime provider, who in turn can directly provide care and/or subcontract elements to other specialist providers. This service was commissioned as part of the overall Offender Health pathway within the prisons and as such this model will ensure an integrated, recovery orientated service delivery system, both within the prisons and onwards into the community. The service will focus on delivering person-centred care within seamless, integrated structured clinical and psychosocial interventions services in prison, and facilitating arrangements through the gate into the community to ensure effective continuity of care. Close joint working with other healthcare services, as well as other departments within the prison is imperative to the success of the delivery of this service. The healthcare services in the contract include, but not limited to: •General Practitioners provision •Primary Care Nursing (including long term conditions) •Dental services •Gender specific considerations (addressing the specific needs of the female population) •Pharmacy Services (including OOH provision) •Inpatient Unit facility (as applicable) •Substance Misuse Services •Primary and Secondary Mental Health and Learning Disability Services •Health Promotion and Prevention •Musculoskeletal therapies •Smoking cessation •Blood Born Viruses testing to include funding, access and delivery (including provision of testing facilities where necessary) •Consultant-led pain management clinics •Therapies / clinics (including but not limited to) •Dietetics •Weight management •Optometry •Pain management •Physiotherapy •Podiatry •Audiology •Obstetrics •Gynaecology •Transgender (m-f, f-m) •Personality Disorder •Occupational Therapy •Speech and Language Therapy •Talking Therapies and counselling •Sexual Health screening - Tiers (1, 2) •Escorts and bed watches (via risk share agreements) •Appropriate administrative and data management support The provider will also be responsible for ensuring effective and meaningful pathways of care are established with secondary care/diagnostics and other services outside of this specification, including hospital-based services, to meet patient's health needs. There are separate integrated health and wellbeing services specifications for the male prisons and female prisons. The contract is due to commence on 1st April 2023, and the contract duration will be 7 years. The maximum contract value was £165,487,000 over the contract term. The maximum contract envelope is based on current operational capacity figures. Any change to prison population(s) will be managed through a contract variation process.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors