Integrated Intermediate and Specialist Dermatology Service
The Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group is reviewing their Level 3 Integrated Intermediate and Specialist Dermatology Service. The service entails working closely with GPs, Acute Specialist Service Departments (Level 4) and specialist skin cancer services. There will also be a need to develop links with the local skin cancer multidisciplinary team, and other secondary care specialities such as plastic surgery and Level 4 secondary care dermatology services. The service will be pivotal to the achievement of reduced secondary care waiting times by:— Offering a responsive and effective community based service,— Improving skills for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions within Primary Care,— Supporting and improve self-management of skin conditions by patients,— Use of new technology, to improve the quality and efficiency of the existing pathways and provide the best experience possible for patients within available resources. The service will have 3 main domains of responsibility:—— Triaging, assessing and management of patients with dermatological conditions meeting the level 3 inclusion criteria,—— Treatment,—— Support and education to primary care professionals. The service will benefit patients by delivering an efficient and effective care pathway on the Isle of Wight. The provision of community settings will support the reduction in demand for secondary care — therefore reducing secondary care demand and releasing capacity to allow secondary care to deal with patients with more complex and urgent needs. Our desired outcome is a model which identifies and appropriately and effectively treats an increased range of conditions within the community. As part of our research, we are conducting a market assessment of and engagement with organisations that have experience of working with CCGs in delivering innovation. We are particularly interested in understanding the market issues in Tele-Dermatology, which involves the clinical review of images (including lesions and rashes) and provision of Consultant diagnosis and advice to GPs, plus provision of education to GPs and other healthcare professionals. Forecast Isle of Wight population figures for 2018/19 is 144 720; based on October 2017 GP registrations projected to 2018/19 using Office of National Statistics population projections (2014). This service must be delivered on the Isle of Wight, in a centralised location with access to near-by car parking and served frequently by local transport. Providers are to source their own premises. Start: 1.4.2019 End: 31.3.2022 Approximate value: 1 000 000 GBP — 1 500 000 GBP per annum.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85121280 - Ophthalmologist, dermatology or orthopedics services
85121282 - Dermatology services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors