
Integrated Optometric and Rehabilitation Low Vision Service PRJ386


NHS Camden Clinical Commissioning Group is seeking to commission an organisation that will support the delivery of an Integrated Optometric and Rehabilitation Low Vision Service. The Service will be delivered and based in Camden and managed locally. The stated objectives of this Service include: •Improving health outcomes, addressing inequalities and achieving parity of esteem across the wider health and the primary care agendas; •Integrating and enabling local services to deliver the right care in the right settings at the right time. The aim of the procurement is to provide an Integrated Optometric and Rehabilitation Low Vision Service in the community based on the identified needs and outcomes of individual service users. •To ensure that the needs of people with sight loss are correctly identified through visual impairment/ low vision assessment. •To provide people with comprehensive and accessible advice, information and emotional support around what they need, are entitled to and what is available. •To deliver, following and based on the assessment, a range of "tertiary prevention" and rehabilitation interventions that minimise the effect of low vision or its deterioration, support people to gain or regain skills (e.g. mobility training), and help people to manage or reduce their needs where possible, preventing people from having to access more expensive and less independent forms of care and support. •To address the changing needs of service users over time. •To address inequalities by providing services to people with learning disabilities, members of minority communities and the very elderly. •To facilitate access (including through signposting) to additional services, resources or facilities (such as aids and adaptations) that promote wellbeing and quality of life, reduce/ manage risk, and maximise the independence of people with sight loss. •To help and support unpaid carers to maintain their caring role and enhance their wellbeing and quality of life. The envisaged duration of the contract is 2 years with the possibility to extend the contract for a further 1 year. The annual contract value is £67,309 and total contract value is £201,927 over 3 years, if an extension is granted.


Published Date :

18th Oct 2017 7 years ago

Deadline :

20th Nov 2017 7 years ago

Contract Start :

1st Apr 2018

Contract End :

31st Mar 2021

Tender Regions

CPV Codes

85100000 - Health services

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors