Integrated Recycling, Waste Collection and Street Cleansing Contract
In September 2021, the Authority issued a Contract Notice to be published in the Find a Tender Service ("FTS Contract Notice") advising its intention to procure a contract for an Integrated Recycling, Waste Collection and Street Cleansing Contract ("the Contract"). The Authority conducted this procurement under the Competitive Dialogue procedure pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the 2015 Regulations"). The services within the scope of this contract are: Recycling and Waste Collection Street Cleansing Weed Control The services to be provided under the Contract include waste collection and recycling services, cleansing services, and other supporting services. The Contractor will provide the following services in the delivery of the Contract: A) Waste Collection and Recycling Services: a. Household Residual Waste collection; b. Household Dry Recycling collection; c. Household Garden Waste collection; d. Household Bulky Waste and White Goods collection; e. Household Clinical Waste collection; B) Cleansing Services: a. Mechanical and manual cleansing; b. Litter bin; c. Intensive cleaning and hot spot work; d. Subways, bridges and footbridges; e. Car parks cleansing; f. Market Area cleansing; g. Public convenience; h. Removal of fly-tipped materials and abandoned waste; i. Graffiti and fly posting removal; j. Dead animals clearance; k. Seasonal leaf fall management; l. Weed control service on hardstanding areas; m. Special events cleansing; n. High speed road cleansing; and o. Salt/grit bins. C) Other Services: a. Container Management; b. Out of hours and emergency service Furthermore, the Contractor may be required to provide the following Provisional Services: a) Commercial Waste collection b) Commercial Dry Recycling collection The initial contract period is for 8 years, but may be extended by up to a further 8 years.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors