Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Services For: Lot 1: Oldham, Rochdale and Bury Councils Lot 2: Stockport and Tameside Councils To provide the specialist integrated sexual health services that local authorities are responsible for commissioning including testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections and provision of the full range of contraception. The Provider will be responsive to changing population needs and innovations in patient care or service delivery. This may include emerging infections, new technologies, changes to the local population profile and changes in people's sexual behaviour. The Provider will need to work with partners across the local system to shape Sexual and Reproductive Health services based on residents' needs and a shared commitment to improving sexual health and wellbeing. The service is required to be provided across the locality in a range of settings by a multi-disciplinary team of clinical and non-clinical professionals. Providers of integrated sexual and reproductive health services are expected to operate in line with most recent guidance and established clinical practice. Whilst this document includes guidance current at the time of publication, the Provider must ensure that services reflect updates in guidance, best practice and recommendations as and when they are produced and the Council will support them to do so. The Specification will be reviewed on a regular basis during the contract period and there is the possibility of some additional associated sexual health services being added to the contract during the life of the contract, taking into account both funding levels and service requirements
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors