Intermediate Care Beds on Behalf of NHS South Sefton CCG
NHS South Sefton CCG brings together 32 doctors’ surgeries stretching from Hightown in the north, Bootle in the south and Melling and Lydiate to the east. It is playing an increasing role in deciding what services its 155,500 patients need to improve their health and wellbeing. In April 2013, South Sefton CCG became fully responsible for planning and buying or ‘commissioning’ many local health services, as part of the changes to the NHS. To do this, South Sefton CCG will work with a wide range of partners, including local people, Sefton Council, hospitals and community and voluntary organisations to make sure that health and health services in south Sefton continue to improve in the future. •Sefton’s 65+ population is 56,300 accounting for 21% of the total population and largely accounts for the projected future increases in the total population. •Sefton already has a sizeable population of older people. As this grows, it will have a large impact on services and their ability to cope. •Sefton has the highest proportion of residents aged 65+ and 75+ than all local and comparable local authorities. •An increasingly elderly population are likely to attend A&E and be admitted to hospital as a result of falls - 28% more by 2030. •By 2030, it is projected that 34% more people aged 65 and over will have dementia. This will impact on their wider health and their care needs. •By 2015, over 2,300 people are forecast forecast to be living in a care or nursing home – this will rise by over a quarter by 2030. NHS South Sefton CCG aspires to the delivery of a new model of service delivery, designed to rebalance hospital and community care, provide rapid response, rehabilitation, avoid unnecessary admission to hospital and accelerate discharge from hospital, while ensuring that no long-term decisions about care and independence are taken in a hospital setting. South Sefton’s Admission Avoidance and Transition from Hospital Scheme aims to support this aspiration and this procurement forms part of that strategy. Both health and social services are committed to making a real difference to the way services are delivered and the quality of the patient’s individual experience of health and social care provision in Sefton. This contract will be an initial 3-year contract with the option to extend for a further 1 x 2-year period.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors