Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) Project.
Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) Project.The ILM provider will work with the Council’s Vibrant and Viable Places (VVP) staff to identify employment placements with employers involved in delivering VVP projects. The residents of Caia Park, Hightown and Central Wrexham will be supported to secure employment and become engaged in the VVP programme. VVP employers will be able encouraged to employ local residents that they may not have otherwise initially considered for employment.ILM Staffing Required:-ILM Support WorkerThe ILM provider will be required to supply 1No. support worker who will be responsible for:•Promoting the ILM to partner agencies, potential participantsand potential placement providers.•Recruiting participants – matching the right participant tohe right job opportunity•Identifying placement opportunities for participants.Initially (during the VVP bedding in period), these placements will be with any employer in the VPP geographical area. As the VVP develops these opportunities will be with organisations directly involved with VVP•Mentoring the ILM participant including making sure theparticipant turns up for work, dealing with disciplinaryissues and liaising with the employer providing the placement•Record keeping•Negotiating Employer placement agreements.Intermediate Labour Market (ILM) schemes will typically provide up to 16 weeks of paid employment to participants who are unemployed or economically inactive (at minimum wage for 30 hours a week). The provider will employs the participant (who frequently in addition has specific additional barriers to employment e.g. disability) and will facilitate placement in a real job within the County Boundary. During the time the participant is working, they will be mentored by the ILM Support Worker who will help them maintain their employment opportunity.In addition, the Support Worker will intercede if there is any problem in the participant/work placement relationship.At the end of the placement the aim is to facilitate the participant being taken on permanently by the placement provider. If this is not possible the ILM support worker will continue to support the participant to use the experience they have gained to find alternate employment.The contract is expected to commence from the 1st April 2015 through to 31st March 2016.Should you be interested in this opportunity and feel that you are able to meet the demands briefly detailed in this specification, in the first instance, you should express interest via the Sell2Wales site.Closing Date: Friday 16 January 2015, 12 noon.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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CPV Codes
98390000 - Other services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors