Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) including treatment under Conscious Sedation across the East Midlands
NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (referred to as the Commissioner) is inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to deliverer 17 Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) Services, including treatment under Conscious Sedation by responding to this opportunity as required and described in this document, and within the published tender. The Commissioner is looking to procure 17 contracts within the following 5 Integrated Care Board's (ICBs') locations: 1. NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB 2. NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB 3. NHS Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICB 4. NHS Lincolnshire ICB 5. NHS Northamptonshire ICB * Please refer to attachment for information relating to the individual lots. * The specialty of Oral Surgery (OS) deals with the diagnosis and management of pathology of the mouth and jaws that requires surgical intervention. Oral Surgery involves the treatment of children, adolescents and adults, and the management of dentally anxious and/or medically complex patients. Oral Surgery care is provided by Oral Surgeons and by Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons as the clinical competencies of these two specialties overlap. The service is known/commissioned as Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) including treatment under Conscious Sedation and is aimed at those patients who require Level 2 care - that is 'procedural and/or patient complexity requiring a clinician with enhanced skills and experience who may or may not be on the specialist register.' The current contracts are due to end on 31st May 2025, the new contracts are expected to commence on 01st June 2025 for a period of 7 years with an option to extend for up to a further 3 years (total contract duration 10 years) under Personal Dental Services Agreements. The deadline for ITT submissions is 1700hrs on Friday 22nd March 2024. The Contracting Authority will be using an eTendering system, Atamis, SearchType=Projects in this procurement exercise. The services described within this notice relate to the Light Touch Regime in the Public Procurement Regulations 2015. Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound by any of the Regulations. Please see published documentation for further details. If you wish to express an interest and view ITT documents please register on the Atamis website The project reference is Quote/tender C221006 - 17 Lots Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) Services including treatment under Conscious Sedation across the East Midlands. Please note the deadline for ITT submissions is 1700hrs on Friday 22nd March 2024
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85131000 - Dental-practice services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors