Internal Audit Services
1.The role of internal audit is to provide management with an objective assessment of whether systems and controls (financial and non-financial) are working properly. It is a key part of each organisation's internal control systems because it measures and evaluates the adequacy and effectiveness of other controls in order that: a) the Management Committee and Management Team of the organisations can know the extent to which they may rely on the whole control system; and b) individual managers can know the reliability or otherwise of the systems and controls for which they are responsible. 2.The responsibility for ensuring that appropriate and adequate arrangements are established for internal control rests with management of the organisations. The internal auditor will be responsible for conducting an independent appraisal and giving assurance to the appropriate Sub-Committee on internal control arrangements. It is for management to determine whether to accept and implement recommendations made by the internal auditor or, alternatively, for recognising and accepting the risks resulting from not taking an action. 3.The work of the internal audit service shall embrace the whole internal control systems of the organisations including all activities, funded from whatever source. The internal audit service will consider the adequacy of systems and controls necessary to secure propriety, economy, efficiency and effectiveness in all areas. It will seek to confirm that management have taken the necessary steps to achieve these objectives. 4.The internal auditor will be expected to carry out a rolling programme of internal audit work so that all main aspects of our operations are assessed at least once during the initial three years. 5.Each organisation's current internal audit service consists of 10 days per annum which typically include the following: - Between two and three assurance audits; - Follow up on implementation of previous audit points; - Audit Needs Assessment and preparation of annual plan, completed for the appropriate Sub-Committee to approve; - Annual Report; and - Audit Contract Management. It is on the above basis that bidders should tender.
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CPV Codes
79212200 - Internal audit services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors