Internal communications design services
A call off a contract with an external (design) agency to create on brand, accessible visual and written content to support HMRC priorities when capacity is limited within the HMRC Communications team. To incude - but not limited to: • Modern, engaging, short/sharp video and mixed media to engage and inform colleagues that can be shared across our internal channels, including our new sharepoint intranet platform o Development of high quality podcast (pilot) - developing an initial product that can be evaluated and, if successful, be rolled out 2. Funding and Budget (if known): What is your estimated Total Contract Value for the Goods/Services you require? £ 50,000 (VAT Excl) £ 60,000 (VAT Incl) What is your estimated Length of Contract? 1 year Can you confirm you have budget commitment for the Total Contract Value? Yes No If No - Please confirm what Budget commitment you do have approved i.e. Amount and contract period covered. £ (VAT Excl) N/A £ (VAT Incl) Is Funding Secured? Yes Cost Centre Code (if applicable): 170415 o Adobe Illustrator files (.AI) assets to support the creation of montages, and intro/outro slides (list to be agreed and provided by HMRC). We would ask for specific assets in various designs to keep the visuals fresh, provide options and an off the shelf process - services of a copywriter to help us write engaging and compelling copy suitable for a range of channels o mouth shapes created in Adobe Character Animator to support new approach to use this software to create individual animation for podcasts/videos, - email bulletins - to evolve our current all colleague product, we want to explore the creation of a modern, accessible bulletin email template that we can use for all colleague, manager and senior leader bulletins.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79952000 - Event services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors