International Integration of Technical Standards for Energy Smart Appliances - Contract Variation
This is a variation/extension to notice: To reflect feeding in the BSI UK work into a changed international standardisation landscape. The international advisory work runs in parallel to independent BSI work and emerging ISO/TC 205 international standardisation. Therefore, BEIS requires additional options reports and updated technical reports, in order to take account of integrating with an additional cycle in the BSI timeline and to integrate at a detailed level with emerging international interface standards work. It has also now been anticipated that support for international publicity after the publication of the BSI standard could be valuable to maximise the benefits to the UK. This is an extension of a requirement in the original contract, Extending to provide support post-publication of the BSI standards enables the finished standards to be submitted to ISO/TC 205 when a committee meeting is held in the post-publication period.
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CPV Codes
39710000 - Electrical domestic appliances
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors