Interpretation and Translation Services
The Council intends to appoint a single Provider to deliver a fully managed Translation, Interpretation and Transcription Service, together with all ancillary services required. The services sought under this contract are written translations and interpretation (including BSL) specifically: - Face-to-face interpreting - Telephone interpreting (pre-booked and on-demand) - Video interpreting (pre-booked and on-demand) - Written translations (audio transcripts including subtitles, proof-reading, certification, and notary) - British Sign Language Interpreting - British Sign Language Translation The aims of this service are: a) To assist the Council's staff to communicate with people with specific communication needs including: people from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds disabled people (including people with sensory impairments, people with learning disabilities and Deaf and Deaf Blind people) families/children and young people working with social care people with mental health issues. b) To enable the Service User including members of the general public, carers, and their families to: - have equal access to the local services and information - have their needs identified and met participate in and contribute to the services they receive. The objectives of this service are: - to ensure that front-line staff are able to access these services in a timely and efficient manner - to provide assurance to the stakeholder about the quality and consistency of the interpretation services being provided - to provide choice and flexibility that reflects the diverse needs of service users. - to ensure that management reporting is included and monitored so that services are able to change depending on the services being used. Estimated annual contract value of £154,000 for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 3 years. Estimated total contract value = £924,000
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors