Interpretative Design Brief
Delivering an interpretative design programme for Silverburn Flax Mill, to: Enhance local people’s sense of place and their pride in Silverburn and Levenmouth through its rich and distinctive cultural and natural heritage Reveal and reconnect local people and visitors with the story of Fife’s flax and linen industry, a significant part of local and national heritage, and the role of Silverburn Flax Mill within it Collect, celebrate and share the stories of the skilled, innovative and inspiring people associated with Silverburn Flax Mill and Levenmouth Tell stories and offer insights that enable people to see themselves and their community from a fresh perspective Showcase the work of FEAT and its partners at Silverburn and in helping local people to grow skills, confidence and wellbeing Record, share and celebrate Fife’s Gaelic heritage, as well as the richness of the languages spoken at the Flax Mill, from Scots and Polish to the unique terminology of flax milling process
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1 Possible Competitors