Open in a 9 months
Interpreting, Translation and Transcription
Contractors will provide comprehensive face-to-face, remote video and telephone spoken language interpreting services, and document translation and transcription services to fulfil the current and evolving needs of framework public bodies. The scope of the framework for interpreting and translation services is as follows: Interpreting (face-to-face, remote video and telephone) – from English into a wide range of spoken languages and dialect and from those languages and dialect into English or other languages as requested by framework public bodies. Translation and transcription services - from English into a wide range of spoken languages and from those languages into English or other languages as requested by framework public bodies including: text to braille – or other tactile or touch formats speech (audio) to text including tape recordings and other electronic media, audio video to text text to speech (audio) – including tape recordings and other electronic media, audio and video
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79530000 - Translation services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors