Invasive Non Native Species (INNS SBRI)
Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) affect economic interests and quality of life by fouling intakes and other structures and by damaging, destabilising or obstructing flood banks, paths and other assets which can increase flood risk and soil erosion and prevent people from accessing or enjoying their local areas. Through predation and outcompeting other organisms they have major detrimental impacts on native species including commercial fisheries.While there are some general INNS management tools, more specific tools and techniques for aquatic INNS are relatively limited. This is particularly so for species like signal crayfish, Chinese mitten crab, Zebra and Quagga mussels and the ‘Killer shrimp’. We are looking for more effective control or management solutions that can be more widely applied – either for a specific species or a wider range of INNS.The natural environment is an extremely valuable resource. INNS are a direct threat to this with CABI estimating INNS costing the UK economy over £1.7 billion every year. The risks, impacts and subsequent management costs are expected to increase as global trade and climate change influences enable existing and new INNS to establish and spread more readily.The Competition partners (Natural Resources Wales, the Environment Agency, CABI, Welsh Government and DEFRA) are aware there may be tools or techniques within other sectors that could be developed to provide new and more effective aquatic INNS control solutions.Biocides have been successfully used to control terrestrial pests and more efficient, less environmentally damaging chemicals are now used but these advances have not been mirrored in the aquatic environment. Trapping has limited success especially as it’s difficult to know all organisms have been or will be caught and current techniques are potentially time-consuming and long-term activities. The Marine Pathways Project includes research into potential control measures for Chinese mitten crab but has not resulted in any solutions.The ‘Phone apps’ and online recording systems for ad hoc ‘citizen science’ reporting are less effective for routine monitoring or for early detection at potential entry points such as ships, ports and other transport nodes. Environmental DNA work has been used to detect other species but currently here are no current applications for aquatic INNS.While control or eradication may be successful for some plant INNS, these activities can leave ‘ecological gaps’ until treated habitats can readjust. This ‘gap’ presents its own risks by allowing other INNS or monocultures to fill it. Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan balsam and rhododendron degrade soil structure and reduce the ability of native plants to re-establish. Controlling these INNS can also result in degraded visual amenity and increased soil erosion for example.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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90710000 - Environmental management
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