Investigating incentives and payment rates for sustainable farming and forestry
Investigating incentives and payment rates for sustainable farming and forestry across 3 components of Environmental Land Management Country Land and Business Association (CLA) propose to build upon findings from their first test, working with 300-400 farmers and land managers through a mixture of surveys, workshops and telephone interviews, to test the best approach to setting payment rates across the 3 Components of E.L.M, with a particular focus on farm woodland and forestry. Specific objectives: 1.Inform survey design and ensure furthering of knowledge base through a short review of current policy thinking and research on payment mechanisms and payment rates. 2.Quantitative data and analysis on costs of delivery, payment rates and pricing mechanisms for farm woodland and forestry across all three components of Environmental Land Management and selected other environmental delivery through a survey of farmers and landowners aiming for 300-400 responses. 3.Qualitative data and analysis of views on costs of delivery, payment rates and pricing mechanisms, of farm woodland and forestry in all components of Environmental Land Management through 3 regional workshops and 2 zoom workshops with 12-15 participants with a mix of woodland experience. 4.Qualitative data and analysis of views on costs of delivery, payment rates and pricing mechanisms, of farm woodland and forestry in all components of Environmental Land Management through 15 in-depth telephone interviews with CLA members with farm woodland and forestry. Participants will come from the survey and other CLA members. 5.Synthesis and analysis of data into a final report with recommendations By end July 2021
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