Invitation to join the Flood Damage Repairs Framework Agreement
As a direct result of severe weather including Storm Dennis, Herefordshire experienced very significant damage across the public realm. A total of 139 damage sites were identified across the county. Given the scale of this damage and works required countywide, 72 damage sites were cleared and repaired during the immediate and subsequent recovery period to the end of March 2020. However, over 60 flood damage repair sites which could not be fully cleared or repaired by the end of March 2020, due to constraints related to access, complexity or resource availability, remain and require attention. The objective is to repair the various flood damage sites throughout Herefordshire as soon as is practicable. This opportunity is advertised on the Supplying the South West portal at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors