Invitation to Submit Proposals to Manage and Deliver Libraries (Staffordshire)
Staffordshire Context As identified nationally and experienced locally, expectations of libraries have and will continue to change. The way in which we are transforming Staffordshire's Library Service, working with communities and enhancing our online offer, is in line with the recommendations within the Independent Library Report. Continuing to transform our library service will enable it to remain a sustainable, relevant and valued part of the community in Staffordshire. Strategic Commissioning The introduction of the Commissioning Framework in early 2013 changed Staffordshire County Council's approach to the delivery of services. The Commissioning Framework seeks to deliver better outcomes for people and communities rather than necessarily directly delivering services, and seeks to do so through the most appropriate and value for money solution. This encourages innovation and creativity in finding ways of providing what people want and need that may not be directly through the County Council. The role of the County Council is therefore changing into seeking out, developing and facilitating new approaches that encourage personal responsibility amongst communities in order to achieve outcomes Overview The Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 gives the County Council a statutory duty to provide "a comprehensive and efficient library service". The Council is also required to ensure that facilities are available for the borrowing of or reference to books, other printed materials, recorded music and films, of sufficient number, range and quality to meet the requirements of adults and children in the County Council's area. The Council must also encourage adults and children to make full use of library services, and lend books and other printed materials free of charge to those who live, work or study in the area. The library offer in Staffordshire has been reviewed based on this commissioning context, the Arts Council England's report 'Envisioning the Library of the Future' and the Society of Chief Librarian's Universal Offers. The outcome of this review identified a tiered library offer (below). • Staffordshire County Council Managed/Delivered Libraries: Staffordshire County Council will continue to manage and deliver the full library service, sharing space where possible with a wide range of partners to facilitate access to extra services. • Community Managed Libraries/Community Delivered Libraries: We believe Community Managed/Community Delivered Libraries offer the greatest flexibility for communities with access to the wider library network and a personalised service co-produced with the community to enable to community to have a library service that fully reflects community need. These libraries will be supported by the County Council and will remain part of our statutory library service
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79995000 - Library management services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors