Invitation to Tender - Carers Trust Feedback Survey
Purpose The purpose of this document is to give research organisations an overview of the Carers Trusts requirements for a feedback survey and to invite interested organisations to submit a proposal. The Survey The Carers Trust wants to commission a feedback survey to be designed and implemented at three pilot sites in England. The Survey will focus on feedback from unpaid carers, outcomes associated with the service received, the difference it has made to them and ways in which it could be improved. If successful, the survey will be endorsed by Carers Trust (with branding) and rolled out as an offer to the rest of the Carers Trust Network, so that they can use a tested and highly professional feedback mechanism to get information about the carers they support. This will be centrally managed by Carers Trust on Survey Monkey, securely storing the data and feeding back the results on a quarterly basis to Network Partners via PowerBI. This has the added benefit of meaning Carers Trust can use the evidence to collectively demonstrate evidence of feedback from service users across the Network on an ongoing basis, as well as learn about carers needs to inform other work streams. The objectives of the research being commissioned are as follows: Commissioned Research Objectives 1.To design a feedback survey providing feedback, outcomes and improvement evidence. 2.To implement the survey at the three pilot sites on a representative sample of service users over a six-month period. 3.To analyse the data and provide an extract to Network Partners and the Carers Trust 4.To modify the survey based on the pilot as required, for wider use and Carers Trust endorsement. 5.To produce a report outlining the design process, data analysis, findings, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations. To be shared with the Network Partners and Carers Trust accompanying the launch of the survey more widely. Pilot sites Identified pilot sites include: •Carers Resource, Harrogate & Craven, Bradford & Airedale. •Trafford Carers Centre Sale. •Hillingdon Carers Centre, Uxbridge. Research Proposal The Carers Trust are inviting interested parties to submit an expression of interest outlining: •Experience in designing, delivering and analysing surveys of this type •Who will be involved in the work, and an indication of what each team member will be doing. •CVs and examples of work for the team/individual Contact: Richard McManus - Insight and Intelligence Manager Email: Phone: 07973660123
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors