Invitation to tender: Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust’s Award to Local House Projects
The evaluation project will have two distinct but interrelated parts: 1) Relationship-based processes evaluation, which will explore how processes can be underpinned by a relational, rather than transactional, approach. It will report on whether and how relationship-based processes within LHPs have: been established; improved the experiences of young people; increased and improved engagement with Corporate Parents; strengthened understanding of how this work fits with local strategy; and enabled and/or removed barriers to the successful running of Local House Projects. 2) Impact evaluation, which will explore the impact of the Local House Projects in terms of a) early outcomes for young people; and b) strengthened relationship-based practice. In addition to reporting on outcomes and impact for young people, this should include examples of the impact of groupwork and co-production, impact on practice, and impact on relationships. This element will also include working in collaboration with young people in each of the three Local Projects to produce a creative output.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
79315000 - Social research services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors