Invitation to tender for development services for a native iOS app for Book of You for the Dementi
Book of You is partnering with Nesta , who are developing a new digital citizen science platform, Dementia Citizens. This aims to connect people with dementia and researchers, to help design better dementia care.Through Dementia Citizens, people with dementia and their carers will be able to take part in research experiments usingapps on their smartphone or tablet. The information collected will be used by researchers and their findings shared on the Dementia Citizens platform.Dementia Citizens is currently in proof of concept phase. Nesta are developing the Dementia Citizens platform, and working with Book of You and another partner (Glasgow Caledonian University/ Playlist for Life ) who will each develop a native iOS app.The technical partners of each of the three organisations involved in this project (Book of You, Nesta and Glasgow Caledonian University) will need to work together closely to ensure project success.The overarching aim of this proof of concept phase of Dementia Citizens is to improvecare and treatment for people with dementia, by encouraging large numbers of peoplewith dementia and their carers to actively participate in research experiments via the twoapps, producing useful data for researchers.At this stage of the project, we aim to prove the concept of Dementia Citizens, by demonstrating that:-People with dementia can be recruited and consented digitally and can use the technology in their homes, doing this independently or together with a carer- Retention of participants is sufficient- Research output is valuable to research scientistsThe role of Book of You in this initiative is to build a native iOS app that integrates with the Dementia Citizens platform. We’re procuring a technical partner to help us do this.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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1 Possible Competitors